
Sunday Jun 06, 2021
You’re Stronger Than You Think — On The Money — Rich Wilkerson Jr.
Sunday Jun 06, 2021
Sunday Jun 06, 2021
You’d be surprised to find out what you’re actually capable of. With our God anything is possible.
In the final installment of the “On The Money” collection Pastor Rich Wilkerson Jr. encourages us in the message “You’re Stronger Than You Think.” In this talk we are reminded that we can give God our weakness and he will give us his heavenly strength.
It’s in our lowest of lows that God’s strength is made known. We don’t need the world to define our weakness when we serve a God that is the source of our strength. Even in our perceived weakness we can humbly trust that the strength of the living God is more than enough.

Sunday May 30, 2021
The Answer Is Right On The Money — On The Money — Luke Barry
Sunday May 30, 2021
Sunday May 30, 2021
We all know that our minds can be our greatest asset or liability. Have you ever questioned the role money has on your thoughts? Pastor Luke Barry delivers a captivating message on loving God with our minds. In this talk, "The Answer is Right on the Money," we explore the biblical account of Mark where Jesus has to face the issue of taxation.

Sunday May 23, 2021
Don't Sell Your Soul — On The Money — Rich Wilkerson Jr.
Sunday May 23, 2021
Sunday May 23, 2021
God asks us to love him with all of our souls. Have you ever stopped to consider who or what has your soul's undivided attention?
As we continue our collection of talks titled "On The Money", Pastor Rich Wilkerson Jr. delivers a powerful message called "Don't Sell Your Soul." Our souls aren't taken, they're sold. What's the price of yours?Judas Iscariot famously betrayed Jesus and sold his soul for thirty pieces of silver. He gained temporary relief but forfeited eternal life.
As we seek to love God with our whole souls, we should examine our gains and forfeits to ensure they are aligned with God. Because the wrong gain is actually a loss, but the right forfeit is actually a gain.

Sunday May 16, 2021
What God Wants — On The Money — Rich Wilkerson Jr.
Sunday May 16, 2021
Sunday May 16, 2021
Have you ever wondered, What does God want from me? What does the creator of the world ask out of me?
Your love is what he's looking for. And in the message, “What God Wants: On the Money” by Pastor Rich Wilkerson, Jr., we see how the woman with the alabaster jar demonstrated an unconventional, unashamed expression of love for Jesus that we can all learn from.
Instead of criticizing the woman for pouring her expensive perfume on Jesus's head like the crowd did, Jesus honored her and rebuked her critics. Why? Because worshipping God is never wasteful. In fact, anything not offered to God in worship is a waste. Like the broken alabaster jar, you’ve been broken greatly so God can use you powerfully.

Sunday May 09, 2021
If You're Desperate — Mothers Day Sunday — DawnCheré Wilkerson
Sunday May 09, 2021
Sunday May 09, 2021
Sometimes there is a need in our life that pushes us to the point of desperation. Will you seek Jesus when you feel hopeless? What will you say to him when you are at his feet? This week, Pastor DawnCheré Wilkerson teaches us about the ways we can bring our struggles to God. In this talk, “If You're Desperate,” we explore the biblical account of a Syrophoenician woman who seeks out Jesus in her desperation.

Sunday May 02, 2021
When God Gets Mad — Rich Wilkerson Jr.
Sunday May 02, 2021
Sunday May 02, 2021
Do you ever get angry? Of course, we all do! It’s okay to get angry because guess what, God does too. But fortunately for us, God’s anger leads to our growth.
This week, Pastor Rich Wilkerson Jr. teaches a compelling message that shows us how God loves us through his discipline. In this talk, “When God Gets Mad,” we explore the biblical account of Mark where Jesus gets angry.
But what was Jesus really mad about? By his sacrifice on the cross, it’s clear that God is not mad at us, but rather the sin that separates us from him. When we claim to have the truth but fail to be honest about our need for grace, hypocrisy sets in. Remember, God operates in all truth and his righteous anger is always meant to turn our hearts toward faith in him.

Sunday Apr 25, 2021
You Have A Paradigm Problem — Luke Barry
Sunday Apr 25, 2021
Sunday Apr 25, 2021
If we only view Jesus as a teacher, all we’ll get is a lesson. But there is more in store for those who know him as God.
In “Changes: You Have a Paradigm Problem,” Pastor Luke Barry walks through the story of the rich man in the Book of Mark.
Jesus answers the rich man’s question of how to acquire eternal life with an open door for the man to drop everything and follow him. Unfortunately, distracted by possessions, the man turns away empty handed.
For us today, Jesus’ invitation still stands. Let us boldly enter in, knowing he is the God who supplies all our needs for all eternity.

Sunday Apr 18, 2021
I Need A Change — DawnCheré Wilkerson
Sunday Apr 18, 2021
Sunday Apr 18, 2021
It can take a real aha moment for us to realize we need to make an improvement. Fortunately, when we reach that point, Jesus is right there to give us lasting transformation.
"I Need A Change" is Pastor DawnCheré Wilkerson's impactful talk, part of our Book of Mark study, compelling us all to examine our life's motivations.
Ambition is not bad, but having the wrong one will destroy a mission. We ought to wake up to the traps of doing what looks good to increase standing or collecting status symbols to bring validation. Our elevated reputations are not the purpose of our lives.
That's why as Christians we must consistently search our hearts and submit the contents over to God. He is faithful to purify and renew our desires so that they match his own.

Sunday Apr 11, 2021
Highs And Lows — Rich Wilkerson Jr.
Sunday Apr 11, 2021
Sunday Apr 11, 2021
It’s not easy waiting in the valley. But what if God wants to teach us something in our lows?
As we continue to navigate through the book of Mark Pastor Rich Wilkerson Jr. establishes truth in the message “Highs & Lows.”
It’s not necessarily on the mountain tops that we learn the most. Even in the lowest of lows God can step in with divine revelation and strengthen our spirit. It’s in our highs that we seek God, yet in our lows we can serve him by spreading his goodness. Unmet expectations can become opportunities rather than obstacles. God loves us just as much in our highs as he does in our lows, after all it’s in some of our most vulnerable moments that God doubles down on his provision. Let’s open our eyes to the clarity that God provides in the valley.

Sunday Apr 04, 2021
Easter Sunday - Best Day Ever - Rich Wilkerson Jr.
Sunday Apr 04, 2021
Sunday Apr 04, 2021
Easter is a celebration of the best day in human history. Yet the greatest day in history hinges on a moment of darkness where Jesus paid the ultimate penalty for our sins once and for all.
This Easter Sunday pastor Rich Wilkerson Jr. explains the life giving power of the death and resurrection of Jesus in a talk title “The Best Day Ever”.
Our sins condemned us, but the resurrection of Christ defines us if we choose him today. Redemption is offered for a debt that none of us could ever repay. The day God tore veil, he gave freedom and access for you and me, to step into light by believing in his son Jesus Christ.