
Sunday Nov 08, 2020
Loud But Little — Endure — Rich Wilkerson Jr.
Sunday Nov 08, 2020
Sunday Nov 08, 2020

Sunday Nov 01, 2020
Humility Looks Good On You — Endure — Manouchka Charles
Sunday Nov 01, 2020
Sunday Nov 01, 2020
The world often teaches us to chase after recognition, to be top in our class and chase after fancy titles. But Jesus, the greatest man in history, had none of the above, but still gave his all.
In a convicting installment of the Endure collection, Pastor Manouchka Charles prompts us to check our hearts in the message “Humility Looks Good on You.”
Humility looks the best on us when we decide to firmly put our pride to the side. When we choose to make God our number one, his glory is on full display in us. We tend to look and act differently when we clothe ourselves with humility! We quickly realize that God can move through us when we mark our lives with humbleness. So when deciding on what to wear, let’s dress for success, clothing ourselves in the promises of God with an extra layer of humility!

Friday Oct 30, 2020
Friday Oct 30, 2020

Sunday Oct 25, 2020
The Road To Glory — Endure — Dakota Duron
Sunday Oct 25, 2020
Sunday Oct 25, 2020
Life is like one big road trip, accompanied by pit stops and speed bumps along the way. At times we can find ourselves questioning our destination. Yet, despite the unknown road, we can allow God to set our paths straight and use all things for his glory.
In a message from the “Endure” collection, Pastor Dakota Duran highlights “The Road to Glory.” As believers, we are called to glorify and honor God in all that we do. Although we have different spiritual gifts we can be faithful stewards of what God has granted us and find innovative ways to maximize his ministry.
God’s glory isn’t just reserved for Sundays, as we love deeply and remain faithful we are posturing ourselves to serve others. Serving God’s people is the byproduct of his grace and the ultimate way we give Him the glory

Sunday Oct 18, 2020
How To Suffer Well— Endure —Rich Wilkerson
Sunday Oct 18, 2020
Sunday Oct 18, 2020
When it rains it pours! Yet thankfully when the roof caves in we don’t have to suffer alone.
In an installment of the Endure collection, Pastor Rich Wilkerson Jr. illustrates “How to Suffer Well.” We are reminded that our source of hope is not the absence of suffering but the presence of our savior.
When pressure hits us on the outside we can rely on the peace that is planted on the inside. As the Church, we can lead the way being a symbol to the world that a life with Jesus is not a life free of suffering but a life full of endurance.

Sunday Oct 11, 2020
5 Keys to Relationship Endurance — Endure — Rich & DawnCheré Wilkerson
Sunday Oct 11, 2020
Sunday Oct 11, 2020
The quality of our lives depends on the quality of our relationships. We can’t win in life if we’re not winning in our relationships—and the enemy wants to keep them broken.
In “5 Keys to Relationship Endurance,” part of the “Endure” collection of talks, Pastors Rich and DawnCheré Wilkerson share how to be mission-minded in our relationships. The world sees the love of Jesus through our relationships.
When we steward our marriages, celebrate the strengths of those we’re in relationship with, let our behaviors show our beliefs, and put our hope in the eternal, God will be glorified.

Friday Oct 09, 2020
Friday Oct 09, 2020

Sunday Oct 04, 2020
Please Excuse The Mess — Endure — Rich Wilkerson Jr.
Sunday Oct 04, 2020
Sunday Oct 04, 2020
Life can often feel like a construction zone with tons of caution signs, detours, and debris. Don’t fret and don’t quit, God has a vision for your life that he is shaping from the rubble.
In an installment of the “Endure” collection,” Pastor Rich Wilkerson Jr. reminds us in the talk “Please Excuse the Mess” that endurance of the faith journey, requires us to know we are constantly under construction.
So what do we when it feels like we don’t measure up? Or when the construction project doesn’t have a foreseeable end? Just stick with Jesus. It’s our daily walk with him that makes all the difference. Our relationship with the living Stone-a firm foundation, will purify our hearts and sustain us in becoming a people of great endurance.

Sunday Sep 27, 2020
Ever Since... — Endure — DawnCheré Wilkerson
Sunday Sep 27, 2020
Sunday Sep 27, 2020
Through trial and triumph, life marks us. Over the years, there are defining moments, incidents, and milestones that present an opportunity for us to reflect.
Pastor DawnCheré shares that what truly defines us as Christ-followers is the presence of God in this second installment, “Ever Since...“, of the “Endure” collection.
The ultimate “ever since” moment of history, Jesus’ death on the cross and resurrection from the grave, makes it so that every disappointment holds divine redemption. Our living hope hinges on every act of our Savior. We can live holy lives because he lived a holy life. So, let it be our call to action to reflect Jesus.

Sunday Sep 20, 2020
How To Carry Pain — Endure — Rich Wilkerson Jr.
Sunday Sep 20, 2020
Sunday Sep 20, 2020
Life is not always about conquering, often it’s simply about enduring. Even as we are called to be more than conquerors, we are also called to stand firm. Kicking off the “Endure” collection of talks, Pastor Rich Wilkerson Jr. demonstrates “How To Carry Pain” and walk in purpose as the Church. The inevitability of pain can either lead us into conformity or push us into the hope, help, and healing found in Jesus. When we remember we are God’s chosen misfits, we can see that the chaos around us does not have to get inside of us.