
Sunday Sep 13, 2020
Preach To Your Problem — 5 Year Anniversary — Rich Wilkerson Jr.
Sunday Sep 13, 2020
Sunday Sep 13, 2020
You may think your circumstance is crushing you but what if it’s actually pulling you closer to God’s heart? Although celebration doesn’t seem like the natural response in the face of problems, we serve the God that can speak through our pain.
In a 5 year celebratory message, pastor Rich Wilkerson Jr. empowers us through the talk, “Preach to your Problem”. Undoubtedly, life brings many challenges but God’s grace is always sufficient through the speed bumps.
Our fears may create mountains, but our faith smoothens them into valleys. When we decide to stand firm in our commitment to trust God, our mountains become the materials for our miracle.

Sunday Sep 06, 2020
Dear 2020, — Day by Day — Manouchka Charles
Sunday Sep 06, 2020
Sunday Sep 06, 2020
A note to everyone living in 2020, God is not done with your story yet. It’s not time to pack up the vision board, but instead to look at it with a fresh perspective, one of hope in God’s enduring promises.
In the final installment of the “Day by Day” collection, Pastor Manouchka Charles shares “Dear 2020,” a talk about the faithfulness of God and his ability to work miracles through the habits we choose to develop.
God is not in a rush, nor has our purpose been delayed. This is the year where we can come out stronger. Now more than ever, the world is in need of the Church to move forward in faith. A church with a heart modeled in the image of God. Through daily disciplines, we can radiate the love and hope that is Jesus.

Sunday Aug 30, 2020
This Must Be the Place — Day by Day — DawnCheré Wilkerson
Sunday Aug 30, 2020
Sunday Aug 30, 2020
Did you know celebration is a spiritual discipline that can be cultivated daily? It may seem counterintuitive to rejoice in hardship, but Jesus promises to be our source of strength and joy when our flesh is weak. When we lean on the Lord, we begin to walk in faith, and our perspective changes for the better.
In an installment of the Day by Day collection, Pastor DawnCheré Wilkerson shares “This Must Be the Place,” showing that celebration is central to every other discipline in our lives as we follow Jesus. We are given a picture that celebration is a process of transformation from the inside out.
As we choose to celebrate our values, we step into a place of trust and obedience. It is a great exchange in which God gives us gladness for mourning and beauty for ashes. These daily transactions not only renew our heart and strength but allow us to see the fruit that was in our lives all along.
Take a moment to declare today, “This is the best day of my life!” and see how God shifts what is happening on the inside of you.

Sunday Aug 23, 2020
The Mission of Submission — Day By Day — Adrian Molina
Sunday Aug 23, 2020
Sunday Aug 23, 2020
While the ways of the world point us to gain control over our life Jesus calls us to trust him with every detail. How do we as believers loosen our grip on the things we hold so tight? Through submission, a daily practice of surrender that prompts us to fully release all of our desires into the hand of our savior.
Continuing the collection of talks, “Day by Day”, Pastor Adrian Molina opens our eyes to the importance of obedience in the message, “The Mission of Submission”. Here we are given a picture of what submission looks like in our daily lives.
Jesus wants us to experience the positive ramifications of submission and find contentment in trusting his sovereignty. We can pick up our cross daily and acknowledge that when we get under the authority of the Lord, we can overcome every battle.

Sunday Aug 16, 2020

Sunday Aug 09, 2020
The Reason Why We Sing — Day by Day — Rich Wilkerson Jr.
Sunday Aug 09, 2020
Sunday Aug 09, 2020
Have you ever thought about why we sing worship songs? As the Church, we don’t do it to remind God of who he is, rather, to remind of us who God is and who we are in him. It is more than a single act during a Sunday service it is a lifestyle.
In this message, Pastor Rich Wilkerson Jr. reveals “The Reason Why We Sing” from the collection “Day by Day.” He explains that when we worship, it serves as an action on the offensive against the lies of the enemy. Cutting out the lies magnifies God’s enduring love.
In God’s presence, we experience everlasting peace. As we worship we fix our eyes on the author and finisher of our faith.

Sunday Aug 02, 2020
The Power of Solitude — Day By Day — DawnCheré Wilkerson
Sunday Aug 02, 2020
Sunday Aug 02, 2020
Do you find yourself hiding away rather than taking thoughtful time to reflect and listen? Instead of isolation, intentionally turn toward solitude, drawing closer to hear God’s voice.
In this message, Pastor DawnCheré Wilkerson reveals the “Power of Solitude” from the collection “Day by Day” unfolding a deeper connection with God.
We can experience the fullness of God’s grace by accepting his holy invitation to pause and focus on his presence. Scheduling time for God to speak allows us to pick up our God-given weapon of peace and wage a war of faith.

Sunday Jul 26, 2020
3 Ways to Meditate — Day By Day — Rich Wilkerson Jr.
Sunday Jul 26, 2020
Sunday Jul 26, 2020
Meditation is hitting life’s brakes in order to pause and ponder. It is choosing to breathe and listen to God in the midst of chaos.
In this teaching, Pastor Rich Wilkerson Jr. unpacks “3 Ways to Meditate” from the collection “Day by Day.”
Although the pace and patterns of our culture encourage a lifestyle of busier, bigger, and faster, when we meditate on the word of God we realize the importance of operating in faith.
It all starts in the mind. Taking the time to meditate on God’s word through prayer, reflection and posture remind us that God’s timeline transcends our own.

Sunday Jul 19, 2020
Bread, Bullets and Bandages — Day By Day — Rich Wilkerson Jr
Sunday Jul 19, 2020
Sunday Jul 19, 2020
When we read the Bible with the intent to discover Jesus, we recognize the word of God is the person of Jesus Christ. Loving Jesus means studying his word day in and day out, to be equipped for all seasons.
In a continuation of the “Day By Day” collection, Pastor Rich Wilkerson Jr. shows us the fulfillment found as we lean on God’s word in the talk “Bread, Bullets and Bandages.” The daily practice of studying the Bible is not a luxury, it is a necessity.
Just as food is vital for our bodies, the word of God is essential for our spiritual survival. As we rely on God’s word, we will find that it sustains us daily, enables us to combat the lies of the enemy, and brings healing from the inside out.

Sunday Jul 12, 2020
Developing A Prayer Habit — Day By Day – Rich Wilkerson Jr
Sunday Jul 12, 2020
Sunday Jul 12, 2020
The activities we participate in daily become our habits. As we continuously practice prayer, it becomes our natural response to life.
Continuing the collection of talks “Day By Day” Pastor Rich Wilkerson Jr. teaches us the power of communicating with God in the message “Developing A Habit Of Prayer.” Prayer is transformational and allows us to get in alignment with God’s will.
A good relationship stands on a foundation of strong communication. When we lean into the practice of prayer, we are transformed and our relationship with God deepens. Through conversation with God, we place our trust in him and receive his peace which surpasses all understanding.