
Sunday Jul 05, 2020
Rich Wilkerson Jr– Day By Day: What To Do When You Don’t Know What To Do
Sunday Jul 05, 2020
Sunday Jul 05, 2020
Seasons of uncertainty can leave us with many questions and very few answers. A recurring thought is how can we simply survive trying times?
Pastor Rich Wilkerson Jr. kicks off a new collection of talks “Day by Day” with the message “What to Do When You Don’t Know What to Do” encouraging us to take our cares to Jesus.
God doesn’t want us to just get by, he wants us to master every season. Our habits play a major part in our spiritual growth and our ability to thrive. As we keep prayer, God’s word, and community as our instinctive response God’s presence will be evident in our lives.
The key to enduring is found in what we do daily. When we practice our faith, God performs miracles.

Sunday Jun 28, 2020
DawnCheré Wilkerson — Hello New World, Hello New Heart
Sunday Jun 28, 2020
Sunday Jun 28, 2020
2020 seems to be a reckoning year for issues of the heart. It presents yet another opportunity for God to search our hearts and see if they are divided, hard as stone, or completely open to him.
In her timely message “Hello, New World. Hello, New Heart.” Pastor DawnCheré Wilkerson shares that God offers us the possibility of a new heart.
Our challenge today is to make our professed theology match up with our practiced theology. But it will be an impossible task with hearts divided or hardened. And it will be even more impossible for us to change our hearts ourselves—we’ve been so designed by God that only he can bring the healing we need.
It will take our wholehearted surrender to God to bring the sudden shift we’ve been desperate for.

Sunday Jun 21, 2020
Sunday Jun 21, 2020
We celebrate dads when we honor, respect, and appreciate the investment they put into our lives.
Listen in on the conversation between Pastors Chad Veach, Dharius Daniels, and Rich Wilkerson Jr. as they reflect on all things dad. They share that the gift of love a father gives his children is always greater than what he can receive. It’s the potential of every dad to reflect the love of our Heavenly Father as they step into their role as family leaders.
The best coaches in life are dads. They give priceless cues to navigate our journey. A father’s responsibility should not be taken for granted, but cherished. So, cheers to all the fathers out there, especially to our Father God!

Sunday Jun 14, 2020
Dr. Dharius Daniels - The Church Has Left The Building
Sunday Jun 14, 2020
Sunday Jun 14, 2020
In the powerful VOUS Conf Live Sunday message, “The Church Has Left the Building,” Pastor Dharius Daniels shows us that God created and equipped us with the spiritual gifts that will be needed for the problems that exist during the age we’re on Earth.
Even though we may be caught off guard by the events going on in our world, God is not surprised, and he built us for a time like this.
Just as the Samaritan helped the man who had been robbed, bandaging his wounds and taking care of him, Jesus commands us to, “Go and do likewise.”

Sunday Jun 07, 2020

Sunday May 31, 2020
Rich Wilkerson Jr. — I Know a Ghost
Sunday May 31, 2020
Sunday May 31, 2020
Having a helper is a good thing right? After all, two is better than one. But what happens when that helper is someone you cannot see? How do you know your helper will come through for you in a bind? The Holy Spirit counsels us to act according to the fruits of his spirit.
In this compelling talk “I Know a Ghost,” Pastor Rich Wilkerson Jr. shares the origin of Pentecost Sunday and explains the eternal attributes of the Holy Spirit who empowers us to do God’s will.
Jesus loves us so much that even when he died for us, the story did not end there. Jesus went to heaven and then poured out his spirit to stay alongside us, so we could faithfully navigate life's ups and downs.

Sunday May 24, 2020
Sunday May 24, 2020
Even though the apostle Paul faced affliction after affliction, the story he told himself was based on faith in God instead of resentment over his suffering.
In “You'll Live To Tell Your Story,” part of “The Story You Tell Yourself” collection, Pastor Rich Wilkerson Jr. reveals how we can shift our perspective with Christ-centered whys.
Following Jesus is not the elimination of suffering—it is the addition of his comfort. If we didn’t go through hardships and pressure, we would never know God was a deliverer.
Our struggles create our stories. Sometimes God lets us hit rock bottom so we can discover he’s the rock at the bottom.

Sunday May 17, 2020
Sunday May 17, 2020
God has given us all the gift to create narratives with vivid imaginations. Imagination has been key in birthing resourcefulness throughout human history. But is it possible our ability to create stories might be a double-edged sword?
During the talk “How to Ruin Happily Ever After,” from the “The Story You Tell Yourself” collection, Pastor Rich Wilkerson Jr. cautions us to be mindful of the stories we create of one another.
Enabling peace in our relationships requires creating, communicating, and evaluating expectations that are known, achievable, and agreed upon. But even when we fall short, we have another tool to rely on in difficult times—an enduring trust in Jesus. Our belief in him always leads us to discover happily ever after.

Sunday May 10, 2020
Sunday May 10, 2020
There’s power in a great soundtrack. They silence distractions, help set the scene, and are the unsung heroes of any story.
In “The Soundtrack of Your Story,” part of “The Story You Tell Yourself” collection, Pastor DawnCheré Wilkerson shows us how we can turn the soundtrack of our lives into worship for a God that listens.
David wrote songs to God in every season of his life. Though the soundtrack of his story varied, whether he was in the valley or the mountaintop, the one he was talking to never changed.
As you talk to Jesus, he talks to you. And the Holy Spirit reminds you of all that Jesus said while he was here.
What’s the soundtrack to your story?

Sunday May 03, 2020
Rich Wilkerson Jr. — The Story You Tell Yourself: A Different Story
Sunday May 03, 2020
Sunday May 03, 2020
For the plot twists in life, we can never fully prepare. However, that truth doesn't leave us hopeless. We can prepare for how we respond to the page-turners of our story.
In "The Story You Tell Yourself: A Different Story," Pastor Rich Wilkerson Jr. urges us to face facts with faith.
Faith consists of believing before seeing. Yet how do we actively face facts with faith? We do so by speaking positive despite the negative. We do
so by speaking life and believing that although the promises aren't being fulfilled today that they will be tomorrow.
Let’s live in faith and clear the fog off our lenses to focus on God's word of a promised land awaiting