
Sunday Apr 26, 2020
Dawncherè Wilkerson — The Story You Tell Yourself: Two Sides To Every Story
Sunday Apr 26, 2020
Sunday Apr 26, 2020
In every scenario we find ourselves, there's a push and pull. At once we are held taught and stretched by the events of daily life swirling around us. Our challenge is to remain flexible enough that we don’t snap but remain solid.
In “The Story You Tell Yourself: Two Sides to Every Story,” Pastor DawnCheré Wilkerson invites us to strike a balance despite pressures because we have God-given ability to overcome.
Palm trees are fascinating. As they grow tall, top-heavy with leaves and fruit, they stand firm even as they face hurricane winds. The beautiful trees have a lesson in duality to share. We can be both solid and flexible to better endure the forces that come our way. Fragility doesn't need to lead to a complete break. Instead, we can stretch and remain rooted in the strength God has given us.

Sunday Apr 19, 2020
Sunday Apr 19, 2020
There’s nothing like being drawn into a good story. From superhero adventures to comedies, stories have a way of touching our hearts.
“The Story You Tell Yourself” collection kicks off with an enlightening talk by Pastor Rich Wilkerson Jr., “That’s My Story and I’m Sticking to It.”
Compelling stories are composed of characters, settings, plots, conflicts, and resolutions. In our story called “Life” the author is also the hero who brings about the final resolution. When we understand the story of the gospel, we are able to securely fit our characters into the parts God has asked us to play.

Sunday Apr 12, 2020
Pastor Rich Wilkerson Jr. - To Hell & Back - In Other News
Sunday Apr 12, 2020
Sunday Apr 12, 2020
Flipping through the channels, it’s no secret that as we turn to the news we get flooded with heavy stories. Yet within the sea of chaos, there is good news to be proclaimed.
In an Easter finale of the “To Hell & Back” collection, Pastor Rich Wilkerson Jr. stirs our faith with the talk “In Other News."
Reality is, bad reports will always be circulating, but we can choose to listen to the announcement of a resurrected savior. We as believers can stand remembering that although there is devastation, Jesus is alive and we can get through anything.
In a world driven by drama and trends, we can turn down the volume on fear and turn it up on the hopeful truths found in God’s word.

Saturday Apr 11, 2020
Pastor Rich and Pastor Dawncherè Wilkerson - VOUS Good Friday At Home
Saturday Apr 11, 2020
Saturday Apr 11, 2020
It seemed simple enough. To eat and drink in honor of the one who had changed their worlds. Little did the disciples know that they’d be first to take part in a moment to be celebrated in Christian households for years to come.
In this “VOUS Good Friday at Home,” sing with VOUS Worship and listen to Pastors Rich and DawnCheré Wilkerson share about the sacrifice of God’s perfect Son. Together, we’ll practice Jesus’ words, “do this in remembrance of me.”

Sunday Apr 05, 2020
Rich Wilkerson Jr. — To Hell and Back: What Are You Washing?
Sunday Apr 05, 2020
Sunday Apr 05, 2020
Have you ever been asked to serve in a capacity you just didn’t see fit? From washing feet to saving lives there was no act of service our savior would pass up in return for a relationship with us.
In an uplifting continuation of the “To Hell and Back” collection Pastor Rich Wilkerson Jr. calls us to check our heart in the message “What Are You Washing?”
Jesus made it plain that his commission was not to receive anything rather give everything he had, even his life. Although his days were numbered, Jesus left us with the practical truth that as we humbly are of service to others we will receive the abundance of his love.

Sunday Mar 29, 2020
Rich Wilkerson Jr. — To Hell and Back: The Gratitude Effect
Sunday Mar 29, 2020
Sunday Mar 29, 2020
When was the last time you stood in appreciation of God’s modern-day blessings? From indoor plumbing to connective technology, we can’t deny his hand constantly showing up.
In a faith stirring continuation of the collection “To Hell & Back,” pastor Rich Wilkerson Jr. shares a message titled “The Gratitude Effect.” Reminding us that thankfulness should be our natural response.
Even the savior of the world knew the power of thankfulness was the solution to worry, fear, anger, and anxiety. It is even possible that some of the world’s greatest problems can be combatted with gratitude. Like Jesus, we have the ability to portray gratitude, knowing that one seed of appreciation can have everlasting results.

Sunday Mar 22, 2020
Dawncheré Wilkerson — To Hell and Back: Oh, How the Tables Have Turned
Sunday Mar 22, 2020
Sunday Mar 22, 2020
Just one encounter can flip what was once ordinary to extraordinary. Such a turn of events can change our identity and we’ll never leave the same.
Continuing the collection of talks, “To Hell & Back” Pastor DawnCheré Wilkerson stirs our faith in the message titled “Oh, How the Tables Have Turned.”
Healing the sick, correcting the Pharisees, and reminding the people that his Father’s house was one of prayer, he flipped tables before any reality star thought it was a good idea.
We are in the midst of a time that feels like tables are turned, but rest assured that Jesus is in the business of flipping lives. Instead of having an attachment to our normal routines we can allow ourselves to experience true reformation by allowing Christ to have his way and turn our tables for better.

Sunday Mar 15, 2020
Rich Wilkerson Jr. — Flatten The Curve
Sunday Mar 15, 2020
Sunday Mar 15, 2020
The coronavirus has shifted daily reality and caused uncertainty. But we can choose peace over worry, faith over fear. God is never distant, he offers us abundant comfort.
In the message “Flatten the Curve” Pastor Rich Wilkerson Jr. shares that while the world gravitates toward physical isolation we can draw close to God through spiritual recalibration.
As a community, we don’t have to let panic drive our actions. We can rise to the occasion by remaining committed to worship, prayer, and hearing the word. These will help us answer to our higher calling of flattening the curve of sin.

Sunday Mar 08, 2020
Rich Wilkerson Jr. — To Hell and Back: Your Burden is Your Blessing
Sunday Mar 08, 2020
Sunday Mar 08, 2020
An accomplishment unmet with resistance is no accomplishment at all. It is a truth we can forget while building a purpose-filled life, that greatness walks hand in hand with challenge.
"To Hell and Back: Your Burden is Your Blessing" is a reminder from Pastor Rich Wilkerson Jr. not to back down in the face of adversity.
What if the very thing we see as a set back is actually a set up for God to do something great? Despite feeling burdened we can choose to walk in obedience to what God is calling us to do, knowing it will result in a blessing.
For Jesus, the burden of the cross paled in comparison to the triumph of our salvation. So, as we take on life’s challenges we can be confident that we don't carry them on our own.

Thursday Mar 05, 2020
Thursday Mar 05, 2020
Song writing is story writing. A song from the heart has a way of revealing the truth of God’s love.
In the 2019 VOUS Conference breakout session “Worship is More Than a Song,” Grammy-award winner DOE Jones and Mosaic MSC lead singer Mariah McManus have a heart to heart with Manouchka Charles on the beauty of worship.
When we think worship, it’s all about God. While some are particularly blessed with the ability to present God’s story through song, we must remember it is important for us all to represent his image in the best possible way.
Our worship is expressed in different ways, but the value in sharing is the fire sparking inspiration our one of a kind worship brings to others.