
Sunday Mar 01, 2020
Sunday Mar 01, 2020

Sunday Feb 23, 2020
Sunday Feb 23, 2020
Life is full of choices from choosing our Crew to choosing our spouse. We can feel out of control yet we might have more power than we think.
In a continuation of the “Asking for a Friend” collection, Pastors Rich and DawnCheré Wilkerson team up to propose “4 Questions Every Couple Should Answer.”
Truthfully, we are the product of our choices which are the driving force for how we build our relationships. We have the opportunity to be proactive by asking healthy questions to lay the groundwork to our interactions with each other.
Although conflict is inevitable we get to choose to fight for life rather than fight against each other. The good news is that we can look to God’s perfect design to govern our relationships.

Thursday Feb 20, 2020
VOUS CONFERENCE 2019 — VOUS TEAM: It's Not Babysitting, It's Leadership Development
Thursday Feb 20, 2020
Thursday Feb 20, 2020
Register now for #VOUSConf 2020 here:
There is a lot packed in the saying, “children are the future.” After all, a child’s nurturing has the potential to shape their mindset long into adulthood.
During the VOUS Conference 2019 breakout ”It’s Not Babysitting, It's Leadership Development,” VOUS Kids Director Blaire Duron sits with servant leaders to talk about stewarding next-generation leaders.
Kid care is not limited to looking after a child while their parent attends church service, it is instructing the child to walk in the path of Jesus. We can constructively and creatively sow into the lives of children a love for God's kingdom. As the children under our care develop and grow in their talents and passion for God, we'll discover that we are doing just the same.

Monday Feb 17, 2020
Rich Wilkerson Jr. — Asking For A Friend - 4 Secrets of a Secure Woman
Monday Feb 17, 2020
Monday Feb 17, 2020
Beauty is culturally praised but it does not equate to security. Secure individuals have an unshakable sense of who they are. Their confidence enables them to build strong connections.
During the message, “4 Secrets to a Secure Woman,” from the collection of talks “Asking for a Friend,” Pastor Rich Wilkerson Jr. shows us four truths women should lean into to lead happy and healthy relationships.
Learning from Proverbs 31 we discover a secure woman knows her worth. She holds on tightly to God's promises, which teach her to rely on her inner beauty and character. She understands external charm inevitably fades, but fearing the Lord produces beauty beyond the eye, adding peace and value to the lives of those who surround her.

Saturday Feb 15, 2020
Craig Groeschel — Team Conference 2019: All Systems Go
Saturday Feb 15, 2020
Saturday Feb 15, 2020
Goals do not determine success, systems do. There are systems to everything we do, and they are a direct result of what we've created or simply tolerated.
During Session 2 of Team Conference 2019, Pastor Craig Groeschel gives leadership a talk on implementing systems in day to day life. For us to evolve in both our goals and our relationship with God, we must consider the systems we create.
Systems support behaviors, which enable habits, that then deliver outcomes. Be encouraged to know that as you faithfully commit to a healthy system, God will be by your side helping you become all he intended you to be.

Monday Feb 10, 2020
Dawncheré Wilkerson - Asking For A Friend - Where's The Action?
Monday Feb 10, 2020
Monday Feb 10, 2020

Thursday Feb 06, 2020
Jason Kennedy and Carl Lentz — VOUS CONFERENCE 2019: Making Your Faith Attractive
Thursday Feb 06, 2020
Thursday Feb 06, 2020
We become culture carriers for the sake of sharing the message of Christ. But exactly how do we effectively share the gospel with love?
During the VOUS Conference 2019 breakout session "Making Your Faith Attractive," Jason Kennedy and Pastor Carl Lentz give suggestions on maximizing the appeal of our faith journey.
When sharing faith, we ought to be mindful of how we approach others, caring to understand their point of view. And we can step out of our comfort zone since Jesus, our highest example, engaged with people who were on the fringes of different cultures. With a willingness to be vulnerable, influence can only grow. So let us continue generously sharing the truth with those who are willing to spend their time with us.

Monday Feb 03, 2020

Thursday Jan 30, 2020
Rich Wilkerson Jr. — Team Leaders Meeting: Becoming A Leader
Thursday Jan 30, 2020
Thursday Jan 30, 2020
The inevitable process of growing happens to every person, whether they want it to or not. As Christians, each and every one of us is called to grow in the direction of leadership. A question to ask ourselves is not “Am I growing?” but “What direction am I growing in?”
At the first Team Leaders Meeting of the year, Pastor Rich Wilkerson Jr. breaks down the topic ”Becoming a Leader” through the study of the greatest leader in the world, Jesus Christ.
Jesus lived a life of unity, selflessness, humility and obedience. When we choose to follow the example of Jesus we can impact the world around us for the better, becoming the leader God created us to be.

Sunday Jan 26, 2020
Pastor DawnCheré Wilkerson — Becoming: Think It Through
Sunday Jan 26, 2020
Sunday Jan 26, 2020
When we have to make a decision about a change in our lives, we want to make sure we weigh every option before making it final. It is easy to just make a choice based on what we feel in the moment, but not reflecting on the long term effects isn’t the best.
In “Becoming: Think It Through,” Pastor DawnCheré Wilkerson shares an insightful message about our thought process and how it can be transformed by the help of the Holy Spirit.
As we become who God has called us to be, it will take more than just having the right intentions. We have to think it through and not make quick responses with our temporary emotions.
Our walk with God is not based a pattern, but a personal relationship. For us to have the right thinking, we have to look at our lives through his eyes and replace lies from the enemy for his promises. It requires us to slow down and think it through.