
Friday Jan 24, 2020
Becoming: A Guided Prayer Journey — Rich Wilkerson Jr.
Friday Jan 24, 2020
Friday Jan 24, 2020
The only thing more important than who we are today, is who we are becoming tomorrow.
As we close out our collection entitled "Becoming" Pastor Rich Wilkerson Jr walks us through a guided prayer journey that reminds us who we are in Christ as we align ourselves with Him.

Thursday Jan 23, 2020
VOUS Team — VOUS Conference: It's Not What You Say, It's How You Say It
Thursday Jan 23, 2020
Thursday Jan 23, 2020
Register now for #VOUSConf 2020 here:
Whether you are a photographer, writer, designer, or creator of any sort, the way your message is communicated is just as important as the content it carries.
During the VOUS Conference 2019 breakout “It’s Not What You Say But How You Say It,” VOUS Creative Director Sam Gualtieri and the creative department share on effective storytelling and provide practical resources that can be applied in a church, workplace, or community setting.
Jesus used parables to connect with people and present a compelling way for people to have a better life. In the same way, we can use the power of storytelling.
Stories set up the framework for what you want to say. Regardless of your experience, you may find yourself with a message you’re looking to share with the world, learn how to direct the narrative to positively impact culture.

Monday Jan 20, 2020
Rich Wilkerson Jr. — Becoming: Work Your Weakness
Monday Jan 20, 2020
Monday Jan 20, 2020
Often times weakness is seen as failure, yet God would disagree. In fact, God gravitates towards our shortcomings.
Continuing the “Becoming” collection of talks, Pastor Rich Wilkerson Jr. encourages us in the message, “Work Your Weakness.” In the journey of becoming, within our struggles we find God’s grace.
As we expose our vulnerabilities, God begins to bridge the gap between who we are today and who he has called us to be. Bringing light to our insecurities allows God to heal the areas we once disguised.

Thursday Jan 16, 2020
VOUS Conference 2019: Building A Healthy Organization — VOUS Team
Thursday Jan 16, 2020
Thursday Jan 16, 2020
The grass isn't greener on the other side is a familiar piece of advice. But knowing the grass is greener where you water it is true wisdom.
VOUS Staff Adrian Molina, Chris Lopez, and Nick Del Vento engage in candid conversation in their “Building A Healthy Organization” VOUS Conference 2019 breakout session.
A key to laying a strong foundation for any organization is establishing values. Values help shape who we are and who we always want to be. Making good use of programs, data, and platforms to keep everyone coordinated is also important.
To maintain a group's progress, go back to the beginning. Remembering what it took to establish a community and how it arrived at its current form, is always impactful. Creating an ecosystem in which encouragement, remembrance, and values are constant helps to promote a healthy and growing organization.

Monday Jan 13, 2020
Rich Wilkerson Jr. — Becoming: Its a Phase
Monday Jan 13, 2020
Monday Jan 13, 2020
A new year universally symbolizes a time of transformation from one chapter of life to another. Just as our lives continuously develop, our walk with God can be viewed similarly.
In “Becoming: It’s a Phase," Pastor Rich Wilkerson Jr. shares a revealing message about the stages we go through when we are discovering our purpose.
The journey of becoming is not a one-time deal. Experience teaches us life progresses in stages and when progress occurs, so does growth. Our encounter with God causes a shift from simply knowing about him to having a personal relationship with him.
Additionally, being grounded in a supportive community can help establish our values, equip our serving, and empower our generosity. As we transition to become God’s ambassadors, it is our duty to make disciples and further his kingdom in every phase of life.

Friday Jan 10, 2020
Friday Jan 10, 2020
Register now for #VOUSConf 2020 here:
The Great Commission tells us to go out into all the world and make disciples. This world-changing endeavor has a clear starting point in the city God has placed us.
During the VOUS Conference 2019 breakout "Why You Should Stop Trying to Change Your City," Manouchka Charles invites servant leaders Benny Salas and Joke Dada in a conversation on how VOUS Church makes its mark in the community through VOUS Care and our monthly I Love My City Projects.
How does the local church steward the city when there are so many souls to reach? While we may not reach everybody, when we do something, we will reach somebody. Our greatest resource is our availability, our willingness to be engaged and take part in the work God is already doing.
Outreach is an opportunity for people to encounter God. So no matter how your outreach is programmed, be it with service projects or classes, always take the approach that when you serve the city, God will change it.

Monday Jan 06, 2020
Rich Wilkerson Jr. — Becoming: How Did “That” Become “This”?
Monday Jan 06, 2020
Monday Jan 06, 2020
We can’t help but grow. It is human nature. Yet the growth curve can slope upward or slump downward depending on how we cultivate the minute areas of our lives.
In “How Did ‘That’ Become ‘This,’” Pastor Rich Wilkerson Jr. alerts us to pay close attention to our small habits as we follow Jesus because they are seeds that grow.
Making progress toward our purpose can be accompanied by the reward of more challenges. The idea should fortify us because only when we push against elements can we gain strength.
To guard against accidental ruin, ask "Who am I becoming?" We can follow the example of John the Baptist and prepare the way for greatness by choosing to take small but consistent steps of obedience to God.
When our growth seems slow, let’s remember to speak the faithful promises of God. Because he handles the outcome.

Thursday Jan 02, 2020
Oneka McClellan - Yeah, I'm Scrappy
Thursday Jan 02, 2020
Thursday Jan 02, 2020
At times we can view our gifts, talents, or even our experiences as nothing. We end up discounting something in our life only to realize later it had much more value than we believed.
During the “Yeah, I’m Scrappy” talk, Oneka McClellan reassures us nothing is wasted in God’s hands. What we may see as a scrappy life, God can make whole.
Throughout the Bible we see how God uses what seems insignificant for his glory. Each of us are special. God has created us each beautifully and uniquely. Regardless of what we may feel and no matter our circumstance, we were all created with purpose.
Whatever our scraps may be, as long as we turn them over to him, God’s power will redeem and restore them. Nothing is wasted, God is faithful to transform scraps to success.

Sunday Dec 29, 2019
DawnCheré Wilkerson — 2019 Best Moments - Sabbath Sunday
Sunday Dec 29, 2019
Sunday Dec 29, 2019
Flashing back through the past 12 months, we can’t but rejoice at all that God has done.
To wrap up the year, Pastor DawnCheré Wilkerson reflects on the Best Moments of 2019 at VOUS.
No matter what you have faced this past year, know God is for you, and so are we. As we move forward building God’s kingdom brick by brick, we’ll continue to rely on our community of believers to accomplish more than we ever could alone.
2019 is coming to an end, but that doesn’t mean we’re through. Our best days are ahead of us. We can’t wait to kick off the New Decade with you!
Cheers to 2020! Start it off right and join the community at VOUS:

Tuesday Dec 24, 2019