
Tuesday Dec 24, 2019

Monday Dec 23, 2019
Rich Wilkerson Jr. — I Don't Feel Favored
Monday Dec 23, 2019
Monday Dec 23, 2019
Hopefully, you're feeling blessed and highly favored in the knowledge of Lord this Christmas season. But putting the Christianese aside, what about when you don't feel so blessed?
In the talk “I Don’t Feel Favored,” Pastor Rich Wilkerson Jr. explores the meaning of favor to reveal it is not a feeling but a fact.
The promises of God tend to come packaged with problems. Take Mary, a virgin destined to birth a son. In a culture that likely wouldn't have taken the news gladly, she could have felt anything but favored. Yet her obedience through the trial, and for the sake of the promise, made it so her same spirit of obedience passed to her son who would face the ultimate test.
As Christ-followers, we must follow our beliefs and not our feelings. When we face troubles we can overcome and stand in favor knowing everything will be worked out for good. After all, we have the presence of someone bigger than any challenge—the Holy Spirit, our greatest present.

Thursday Dec 19, 2019
VOUS Staff — VOUS CONFERENCE 2019: You Can't Do It Without A Team
Thursday Dec 19, 2019
Thursday Dec 19, 2019
Register now for #VOUSConf 2020 here:
At VOUS, servant leadership is our identity. The more we understand leading means serving, the more we resemble Jesus. To lead with excellence means to serve first and lean on the talents of others.
Steering the VOUS Conference 2019 breakout session “You Can’t Do It Without a Team,” VOUS Staff Dakota Duron, John David Robertson, and Jamila Pereira speak on the servant leadership culture at VOUS.
A key element to having a healthy team is a willingness to learn from one another. Taking the approach that no one person has all the answers allows room for creativity and growth. But keep in mind that process and structure anchor a team’s efforts.
Once established, clear directives allow evaluation to be put to good use. Measuring results, much like checking vitals, tells of where a team is and signals at where it can go. In our ever-evolving servant leadership journey, we should strive for healthy collaboration. Together we have potential to go much farther and be effective in all we do for God's kingdom.

Monday Dec 16, 2019
Rich Wilkerson Jr. — Bricklayers: Built to Last
Monday Dec 16, 2019
Monday Dec 16, 2019
We serve a God who never stops working. He is constantly seeking and redeeming the lost. As his people, we are empowered to join his work through our generosity.
On Vision Offering Sunday, Pastor Rich Wilkerson Jr. reminds us what God originates, he orchestrates in “Bricklayers: Built to Last.”
With God’s help, Nehemiah was able to do much more than rebuild a wall. He restores the soul of a nation and increases their faith. Nehemiah’s story is a lesson teaching us we must assume responsibility, create accountability, and live for legacy.
God wants us to consider future generations with the actions we take today. We can be confident that when we do our part, God will do his. Let’s choose to live in generosity, so others can get to live in opportunity.

Thursday Dec 12, 2019
Rich Wilkerson Jr — Sunday Service: No Turning Back
Thursday Dec 12, 2019
Thursday Dec 12, 2019
"If you surrender your life and declare, 'There is no turning back— the cross before me the world behind me.' You're going to find a peace that surpasses all understanding."
Rich Wilkerson Jr
No Turning Back
VOUS Church
Sunday Service with Kanye West

Monday Dec 09, 2019
Rich Wilkerson Jr. — Bricklayers- The Opposition of a Vision
Monday Dec 09, 2019
Monday Dec 09, 2019
Working toward a goal only to get halfway is a symptom of distraction by resistance. We can start off excited but the minute we face criticism we pull away from our calling.
Pastor Rich Wilkerson Jr. shares the message “The Opposition of a Vision,” from the “Bricklayers” collection. In it, he motivates us to remain committed to God’s vision placed on our hearts.
Progress is understanding a failed plan does not equate to a failed vision. There are opportunities to pray first, and if need be, pivot our way through the trial so the dream can be realized.
As we step out in faith, giving praise the whole way through, we can be confident that the same God who has supported us in the past will certainly do so again.

Thursday Dec 05, 2019
Rich Wilkerson Jr. & Judah Smith — VOUS Conference 2019: Communicating for Change
Thursday Dec 05, 2019
Thursday Dec 05, 2019
Register now for #VOUSConf 2020 here:
What makes a great communicator? Most can agree that the greatest communicators can simplify complexity, captivate an audience, and make a short moment memorable.
During the “Communicating for a Change” breakout session at VOUS Conference 2019, Pastor Rich Wilkerson Jr. interviews Judah Smith to deepen understandings on effective communication in our modern day.
Describing his sermon writing process, Judah Smith makes it clear that everyone is individual and not all processes will look the same. He shares communication methods, how to employ them, and how to effectively get a point across.
While different processes exist, every communicator needs to understand their unique communication style, who their audience is and how the two combine in creating a relatable, understandable, memorable, and life-changing message.

Sunday Dec 01, 2019
Rich Wilkerson Jr. — Bricklayers: Collaboration Creates Multiplication
Sunday Dec 01, 2019
Sunday Dec 01, 2019
Every great human accomplishment through history required a multitude of people to execute. Think of everyone involved in the first Moon landing, creating the Internet, or building the Great Wall of China. One goal, multiple people.
Deeper into the "Bricklayers" collection of talks, Pastor Rich Wilkerson Jr. shares how we can achieve greatness in "Collaboration Creates Multiplication."
Reflecting on Nehemiah’s story, we see he was able to accomplish the impossible, rebuilding a wall around Jerusalem in just 52 days. But he was not alone. Through a partnership with God, the feat was made possible by Nehemiah’s clear vision and collaboration with those around him.
Collaboration is exactly what God had in mind when he created us. Gaining perspective that two are better than one, will help us realize we can do more together than we ever could alone.

Saturday Nov 30, 2019
Saturday Nov 30, 2019
Register now for #VOUSConf 2020 here:
What do you get when you have pastors Rich Wilkerson Jr., Judah Smith, Mike Todd, Carl Lentz, and Chad Veach on stage together? Major drumming skills, impromptu worship, nonstop laughs, and a very honest conversation about leading at home, church, and on the road.
Register now for #VOUSConf 2020 here:
During Session 6 of VOUS Conference 2019, these pastors opened up about important topics that affect them not only as pastors and leaders but as husbands and fathers too.
In sharing on putting family first, not seeking validation from others, and overcoming the lack of motivation to preach, these men of faith pull back the curtain on the human realities they face and the pressures that come along with their titles.

Monday Nov 25, 2019
Rich Wilkerson Jr. — Bricklayers- Waiting is Working
Monday Nov 25, 2019
Monday Nov 25, 2019
It can be easy to have vision for our lives, but difficult to wait for it to come to pass. To many of us, a season of waiting seems more like a burden instead of a time of growth.
Continuing in the collection of talks “Bricklayers,” Pastor Rich Wilkerson Jr. teaches us that there’s purpose in the process in a message called “Waiting is Working.”
In studying the book of Nehemiah, he proves to be a great example of what it looks like to be active during the wait. Establishing a plan to rebuild the city of Judah, Nehemiah demonstrated patience and used his time to pray to God.
We must first take time to hear from God, for at the right moment he will bring the vision to pass. Taking immediate action can lead to the birth of a premature vision, causing us to lose faith.
Being patient requires work from us. Trusting in God’s timing and praying for an opportunity and favor from him allows our sight to be in line with his and our strength to be renewed. Through it all we can remain confident that while we wait, he is working on our behalf.